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Alex have feeling for Bj?

beauty77 October 28, 2018 8:50 pm

This question we all might wandering if Alex really does has feelings for BJ or he’s just have possession over him?

My answer will be YES, I disagree with many people here, it’s not (like) more than (love), he love him and the funny thing is Alex couldn’t recognize his feeling because it’s very new for him.. he never felt that before not even with his Ex! can you imagine that he didn’t even know what he felt toward BJ with MD was Jealousy!!

back to his past, the way he felt for his ex is more like admire, trust, he finally found someone see him the way he want.. they way (he want) his parents to see him, the way (he want) his brother to see him, not mention the gay sexual desire that he tasted for the first time. that is emotionally attached Alex therefore he didn't want him to leave, from Alex opinion, his Ex was the last hope to truly understand (Jiwon) and he’s the only one.. because of that when his Ex betrayed him, Alex had broken so badly that led him to lost people' trust, and that change his character and made him asshole.
