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Otaku October 29, 2018 3:31 am

Help!! Please!!

Im trying to remember a shoujo manga about an orphaned girl that lives in a smal village and she has long white or red hair. She is an outsider that was taken in and she whole village has pretty much shunned her for it. She is looking for her origin because she is very different from all the people in her village and I cant really remember but I think she was the last of her kind and was either descended from wolves or dragons or some other magical thing. I remember a most of the plot had something to do with her hair, but I can’t quite remember and it’s driving me crazy!!

Help Help please!!!

    manga22go October 29, 2018 4:29 am
    Otaku October 30, 2018 12:14 am

    Thank you but no.

    This is driving me crazy!! I must find it.

    I remember she was found in a pumpkin patch or maybe lettuce? She was abandoned as a baby. She didn’t know where she was from but everybody knew she was an outsider because of her hair. The whole village hated her.