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whats inside the hole? is that significant? or am i missing something?

estar October 30, 2018 9:11 pm

and on another topic - both grew up in the same household and turned out so different, kinda amazing - human beings r.
and i'm happy that she see's him as kid not a love interest, and from what he said i think he also look at her as a mother substitute or big sister, not a lover. glad that they r pure in heart and not trying to turn it into something weird as loads of people in this comment section want.

    Sachiko December 10, 2018 5:01 am

    What's wrong with being in love? You do realize love is not a choice, right and that one of the many reasons early Christians discriminated against gays was because they thought it was, right? Doing anything with someone with that much of an age difference from you is what is impure. That is why pedophiles are so gross... y'know...?

    The way you present this story makes it sound boring and clichéd, now. T.

    estar December 10, 2018 5:20 pm
    What's wrong with being in love? You do realize love is not a choice, right and that one of the many reasons early Christians discriminated against gays was because they thought it was, right? Doing anything wi... Sachiko

    wait am i reading this right ur comparing pedophilia to being gay?!? and Yes i have a problem with huge age differences - especially if one of them is a Child - and ur trying to "shame" me and dismiss my opinion as archaic - comparing me to "early Christians" is not only idiotic but seems like u have a personal agenda (i.e maybe that's what ur into-which doesn't make u "modern"/enlightened just a predator on innocents).

    and to close i could give a rats ass to how this "story" comes across to U cause of how i paint it, i read what i like as i have rules that i abide by, not forcing others to follow or even agree. but keep ur B.S. to yourself!

    Sachiko December 11, 2018 6:10 am
    wait am i reading this right ur comparing pedophilia to being gay?!? and Yes i have a problem with huge age differences - especially if one of them is a Child - and ur trying to "shame" me and dismiss my opinio... estar

    Wow, totally miss my point then act like you're the one who is being hard done by. Quelle surprise. No, sweetcheeks, I was not comparing pedophilia to being gay. I was saying that you were behaving like those early Christians who opposed homosexuality because they believed love was a choice and confused love with sexual attraction. Like I said... JUST. LIKE. YOU'RE. DOING. Pedophilia is wrong and gross (again, LIKE. I. SAID.) because people are SEXUALLY ATTRACTED to children. It becomes a CRIME when someone acts on it. This story is not about pedophilia for TWO REASONS (once more, LIKE. I. ALREADY. SAID.) because this woman is NOT habitually attracted to children in such a gross manner and she is not inclined to act on it. That's ALL I was saying. It would have been obvious for someone with reading comprehension skills. Kaythxbainow, sweetcheeks.

    estar December 11, 2018 4:28 pm
    Wow, totally miss my point then act like you're the one who is being hard done by. Quelle surprise. No, sweetcheeks, I was not comparing pedophilia to being gay. I was saying that you were behaving like those e... Sachiko

    blah blah blah.... about amounts to what u've written. trying to explain that attraction of an adult male or female to the same (their) gender where as, attraction to a child is one and the same - yeah plz why dont u to try explaining it again - no freaking comparison there. one is biological were as the other is perverted.
    And comparing the female lead in this manga?!? who did that? if u read my comment and not just rushed to "push" ur own agenda of child adult love - u would get that i said i had a problem with the comments - i.e. the people reading this making this into something pedophilic, where as the manga is far from it - but noooo got an agenda to push so plz do go on... tell me again how open minded u r as opposed to me ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Sufle January 9, 2019 12:16 am

    lol we meet again and cant agree with what you said here funny how our opinions always seem to clash

    i can answer your question about the hole its how the female lead made it in highschool and the little sis interpreted it as her way of venting out her anger once (as the mother had an affair) like the little sis did after that man grasped her hand with the hole being covered its like well... actually its just MY opinion maybe you dont get it again lol but i was just neutral about this now nope remembered some comments of yours

    estar January 9, 2019 5:35 pm
    lol we meet again and cant agree with what you said here funny how our opinions always seem to clashi can answer your question about the hole its how the female lead made it in highschool and the little sis int... Sufle

    well i don't know who U r as i kinda dont recall ever "person" that i have a convo with, but "good" to know i'm remembered ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ and about the hole in the wall - know why it was there just was wondering if it had a hidden significance (as in something worst happened to the older sister and thats why she was such an introvert), and ur condescending answer just sums up what i already know, not adding anything new - but have a feeling thats ur stick - well u do U

    Sufle January 9, 2019 5:47 pm
    well i don't know who U r as i kinda dont recall ever "person" that i have a convo with, but "good" to know i'm remembered ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ and about the hole in the wall - know why it was there just w... estar

    oh sry for beingca good and nice person as no one replied to you lol the emoticons aint working on me lol yes its my thing to answer unclear questions and it must be your thing to say things in an unclear way and assuming shit about others oh and hating on a lot of things too as ive encountered a lot of your topics hating on characters or the general plot of a well received manga turning it into something that is totally of