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This manga reached ch. 51 and even though it's another classic shoujo I'm enjoying it, I h...

LadyNoir October 31, 2018 7:46 pm

This manga reached ch. 51 and even though it's another classic shoujo I'm enjoying it, I have to be sincere. The only thing I can't understand no matter how many times i re-read the manga is:WHAT THE HELL DO THEY FIND BEAUTIFUL ABOUT THIS GIRL?!?! I literally can't stand her. Always blushing, prince this, prince that.... please, try to get out of your fairy tale world!!

Still I want to see how it will end... even though IT'S OBVIOUS with who she will end up with.

    mari-san December 9, 2018 12:45 am

    Yeah she's annoying but I think the part about "why her" is pretty real,like there are times when I can't understand why certain person goes out with someone in real life so that's why I said that it's "realistic" this way