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Great story! It had everything you could want in a story - drama, adventure, fantasy, roma...

Melody October 14, 2013 1:16 pm

Great story! It had everything you could want in a story - drama, adventure, fantasy, romance, it captured it all. Definitely recommended. If this story hasn't been made into an anime yet, it should be, because the anime world is missing much by not highlighting this wonderful manga!

    Terra November 17, 2013 10:46 pm

    I'll be damned! I was just thinking about that... A couple of seconds later, I scroll down and there's your comment! It's gotta be made into an anime ASAP!

    chibi January 1, 2015 7:19 pm
    I'll be damned! I was just thinking about that... A couple of seconds later, I scroll down and there's your comment! It's gotta be made into an anime ASAP! @Terra

    Totally would be a great anime. ☆