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Meri November 3, 2018 2:13 pm

again, guys, GUYS!! i know sex in the office is hot and all but seriously - security cameras! aren't security cameras a thing?! especially in damn offices?! or am i living in a parallel universe and somehow magically my phone can view bl from another parallel universe where security cameras are practically non existent?!

    Oof November 3, 2018 2:29 pm

    lmao it's a manga
    Logic like that doesn't exist

    bespectacledreader November 3, 2018 4:41 pm

    No security cams on ours only at the entrance lels

    Mysticaly November 3, 2018 10:42 pm

    Seconding bespecteacledreader. Also which fucking country has security cameras inside the office? Corridors ok.. but office rooms?
    It's not manga logic, it's constant monitoring that's forbidden by law (at least where I'm from).