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. . . . . . . . It's a really hard decision to make when Soohan had to choose Taeyul or Su...

openseseme November 7, 2018 12:53 am

It's a really hard decision to make when Soohan had to choose Taeyul or Sungjoon. Both of them love him in different ways. However, it's truly the best decision for him to end up with Taeyul. Sungjoon was already married when they started their affair and we know how Sungjoon's wife loves Sungjoon so much that she actually dared go that far to separate them and it wouldn't make Sungjoon any different from her if Sungjoon ended up with Soohan. Not only irresponsible, he would be truly a selfish man. Meanwhile, Taeyul had no one when he started his relationship with Soohan. Both of them helped each other heal their wounds. They really deserve each other.

Though it's kinda rushed when nearing the final chapter, I'm satisfied with the turn of events! I wanna say thank you to the author in person lol.
