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i can relate to the sensei so much lmao .. looking up the definition of 'like' because it'...

kimhwa November 11, 2018 3:44 am

i can relate to the sensei so much lmao .. looking up the definition of 'like' because it's virtually impossible for someone to like me like that

    DubL-D November 11, 2018 5:37 am

    When something's so confusing you GOTTA look it up! I've done that

    Usako November 11, 2018 5:38 pm

    How do you know it's impossible? Just because people don't go around saying it, doesn't mean they don't. Even when I have liked "liked" someone, I would never say it.

    pennyinheaven November 12, 2018 12:28 am

    I don't look up anything but whenever I get compliments my brain just gets fried thinking why, how and what. I just don't understand anyone saying anything positive about me. Lol.

    Usako November 12, 2018 12:38 am
    I don't look up anything but whenever I get compliments my brain just gets fried thinking why, how and what. I just don't understand anyone saying anything positive about me. Lol. pennyinheaven

    The only thing I get compliments on, are my baked goods.

    kimhwa November 12, 2018 9:29 am
    The only thing I get compliments on, are my baked goods. Usako

    i would love to try your baked goods then

    DubL-D November 12, 2018 11:50 pm
    The only thing I get compliments on, are my baked goods. Usako

    What do you bake most, or what are your favorite things to bake? 0.0
    Just realized, you could easily Hansel and Gretel us by mentioning you make baked goods.. -_-

    Usako November 13, 2018 2:23 am
    What do you bake most, or what are your favorite things to bake? 0.0 Just realized, you could easily Hansel and Gretel us by mentioning you make baked goods.. -_- DubL-D

    For a coworkers birthday on 10/31, I made a large pumpkin cake with dark chocolate chunks, that was puking candy corn. Tomorrow I'm going to make buckeye cupcakes (don't know what a candied buckeye is? - a peanut butter ball surrounded in chocolate). My most requested item though, are strawberry cheesecake cupcakes. This weekend I need to make some mini brownie chocolate cheesecake tarts and lemon blossoms. And probably some sugar cookies to decorate at a girl scout overnighter.

    Usako November 13, 2018 3:02 am
    For a coworkers birthday on 10/31, I made a large pumpkin cake with dark chocolate chunks, that was puking candy corn. Tomorrow I'm going to make buckeye cupcakes (don't know what a candied buckeye is? - a pea... Usako

    If you go to the land o'lakes website, go to the review section, about 12 days ago (Reviews 98-127) about half way down the page you'll see my pukin pumpkin:

    DubL-D November 14, 2018 10:16 am
    For a coworkers birthday on 10/31, I made a large pumpkin cake with dark chocolate chunks, that was puking candy corn. Tomorrow I'm going to make buckeye cupcakes (don't know what a candied buckeye is? - a pea... Usako

    I think.......I wanna marry you ♡♡ Can you make an awesome carrot cake, too?

    Usako November 15, 2018 5:21 am
    I think.......I wanna marry you ♡♡ Can you make an awesome carrot cake, too? DubL-D

    Of course rabbits can make carrot cake! With and without nuts.

    DubL-D November 17, 2018 8:21 pm
    Of course rabbits can make carrot cake! With and without nuts.()()(^.^) Usako

    Be still my heart!! I'll go buy the ring now.. lol

    Usako November 18, 2018 5:35 am

    I want the same ring that Usagi gets from Mamo-chan: