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I think that ritsuka's memories have to deal with his loveless power. If he regains them, ...

loveless October 17, 2013 4:22 am

I think that ritsuka's memories have to deal with his loveless power. If he regains them, I bet that he get's his true powers too. I can't wait to see!! I also am confused with Kio's part in this story.

    meesha December 1, 2013 11:05 pm

    so because its taking 10 years to get to the point i'm made up my own mind wat i think is going to happen from little clues through the story. i think seimei real name is loveless to me it just fits.i think ritsuka, lost memories is the key to unlocking his real name. i want to think that soubi is his real fighter but at this point i remember a clip where they were in the school and some body was calling him. also with no markings of his name and no magic. i want to no y they think his name is loveless theres been NO evidence what so ever. not even in personality.