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Great manhwa

Rissa-chan November 12, 2018 1:02 pm

This is a very worth read, and I mean it in every sense of the words. (What could be expected from the creator of Totally Captivated, a manhwa I've been rereading over and over for years since I became a fujoshi) (In my personal views) I don't think Yoon Sungjoon is manipulative or anything. He just loves Soohan in the way he hides him from some truth so as not to hurt him. I also don't think Ki Taeyul is a psycho because he locks up Soohan but yes I admit it's a no no no but wtf he was broken from his past relationship and he was confused why it happened twice when all he did was to love the person in every way he knows how. (Please give me a lover like Taeyul please). This story was terribly great although I believe the ending was a but rushed like it can be develop more like how What Lies At The End manhwa. I'm so happy that they're finally together again. oMG I literally cried when Taeyul said that it's okay even if he's just second or third. Omg where can you find a lover like that seriously?

    Eyebone November 12, 2018 2:46 pm

    Yea yea Teayul is a fucking perfect and chessy boyfriend OMG. When he's in love he is x1000 hot~~~ I'm smelting with his sweet~~~