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Posts deleted/not uploaded

leeloo November 15, 2018 10:51 am

I've been trying to post a comment (or topic) on a manga since yesterday, and at first it seems like it's posted normally, but without like/dislike buttons, and then I refresh and it simply disappears. Posts by others appear in the meantime so it seems like it's just me :(
Today when I tried again I noticed that if I click the title it leads to the post (i.e. it exists, there's a url), but there's no path to it from the manga where I posted, or from my homepage.
Did this happen to anyone else?

    leeloo November 15, 2018 10:52 am

    (As you can see, I can post questions normally. wtf Mangago??)

    leeloo November 15, 2018 11:41 am

    bumping because I need answers or support :'(