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Everyone is crying over this one

OtakuHime November 16, 2018 4:02 pm

Aki is in pain over being used by Ugetsu so he hurts Haruki by almost raping him; thank goodness he stopped. He knows how Haru feels and disregarded it all and now he may have thrown away his friendship too. While Haru realized that no matter how much he loves Aki, it will never be returned so he cuts his hair to “cut all ties” with his feelings for Aki. But it’s never that easy to discard a long unrequited love with the hair he cut. Aki loved his hair and him cutting it was another way Aki hit discarded by Haru too. Serves him right after what he did. This series is so good but emotionally taxing. I will stick with it to the end.

    bcipher November 16, 2018 4:46 pm

    Yes, that sums it all up. I love how raw it is and not rushed at all.

    OtakuHime November 17, 2018 3:42 am

    Exactly! It’s like a bandage in the most sensitive place being ripped off slowly. You are hoping that there is relief at the end.