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Please help in finding the title to this Yaoi manga which I read only once...

Angel Demon November 18, 2018 11:37 am

Is a school life genre, and there was a setting where 2 high school students were sitting on their school's roof top, and the taller persistent kid (seme) hits on his school mate (uke). From there they start going out. The story goes from High school to them entering University and the uke reaches a growth spurt attracting many females and soon after the uke wants to switch rolls with the seme in order to loose his V card. But the seme always refuses to switch. On campus a female fellow-student askes the seme if he could help her land the uke as her boyfriend, but she doesn't know that they are lovers. Tho the seme agrees to help her because he wants the uke to be the tachi for once. Yet the seme is scared that he might loose his lover (uke) to his female friend. At the end, the uke looses his virginity to the seme who becomes the neko.
