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let's wait

melki555 November 18, 2018 1:55 pm

1st heroine died...
2nd heroine died...
3rd heroine candidate (layla) / pending, rumors she has a dick...
let's wait for another 3rd heroine candidate...hope she last longer...

    PinkWhy June 12, 2019 5:53 am

    Imma b honest, having all these female leads die is kinda satisfying. And I would kinda like for Layla to come back and fuck satoru. Cuz atleast she was kool, the 1st one was kool too but she would have been just as weak and annoying as FL#2. I am sick and tired of weak useless women in love w/ the ML always getting in the way, atleat Layla was a badass w/ a dick.