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ya'll this is straight up rape, the amount of people who are romanticizing this crap is sh...

wuw November 21, 2018 1:31 am

ya'll this is straight up rape, the amount of people who are romanticizing this crap is shocking. the kid literally gets kidnapped, sexually assaulted, almost g a n g raped, and literally no amount of misguided love from the seme can make up for that. someone who rapes you and allows others to molest you does not love you. the fact that they end up together infuriates me bc its literally romanticizing rape and making it seem like rape is okay if the person loves u.

it wouldnt bother me so much if they hadn't ended up together and the uke realised that it was all really fucked up, but that didnt happen!! they fucking fell in love like what the seme did was okay. idgaf if he saved him in the end hes still shit person and the whole "no matter what youve done to me i'll still love u" bullcrap from the uke was just annoying too.

no matter how awful someones r e l a t i v e was to u in the past,, you dont respond by making an innocent suffer the same fate. i have no sympathy for the trash bag seme whos a giant creep and should be arrested and im incredibly irritated by this entire thing and ya'll uglies who are chill w this need to check urselves x

thank u for coming to my ted talk
