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Mother is a nut job

Japanlover November 22, 2018 8:20 pm

Short summary her mother doesn't want her to be a lesbian so she sends her to an all boys school to try to "fix" it... It doesn't work that way. Yes she can be bisexual but people are born that way yet knowing that her mother doesn't accept her dating girls. This made me upset because I can speak from experience. Knowing that my family didn't knowledge my sexual preference, but this may have been made in Japan and they do have different lifestyles although there are still people who like the same gender (excuse me, we have YURI and YAOI). Honestly I've read this story before (like 5 or 6 years ago when I was a still in high school) the mother is horrible no matter what, yet it would've been a better story if her mother didn't give a reaction of a homophobic by forcing her to "give up" or "stop" liking girls. JUST SAYING.
