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Possible translation error? In one of the last pages there's a line that goes "I'll go coo...

nandeyanen November 23, 2018 12:41 am

Possible translation error? In one of the last pages there's a line that goes "I'll go cool my head!" or something like that but in the raw that line is "Go cool down your head!" which makes more sense in the context IMO

    Kpuff November 23, 2018 2:15 am

    I read it as the black haired one saying he was going to cool down his own head. *sorry i'm bad at remembering the names*

    ひつじさま November 23, 2018 3:32 am

    hello helloo i am the translator for this series and thank you for pointing that out tbh i realized about that as well few mins after i released the chapter but it's too late to make correction so i just let it be :P i didn't have my proofreader this time (we lost contact) so i'm sorry if my translation is making you awkward to read :/