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(Non-manga) Crush related and advice needed

nhm November 25, 2018 10:53 am

So I've been having a crush on this boy for like 3 months. We used to be deskmates (3 times in 2 years, and the teacher changes seats every mid-semester). When we were still sitting at the same table, he sat very close to me. And when I was playing games on my phone, he would sometimes lock arms with me and play. He even put his chin on my arm when talking to his friend (I sit between him and his friend). So there was a lot of skinship.
And I have this best friend, she sat in front of me and would turn around to tease me. And he would protect me from her (sounds heroic)
But when we changed seats and my seat is so far from him (he is on the first row and I'm on the third), we talk less, more like we don't talk anymore. And he keeps doing those skinship thingy with other girls in front of me, and ignore me. Is he trying to make me jealous? Is there any chance he may like me?
I'm a shy girl and don't talk much, I really want to talk to him but...

    shiro November 25, 2018 11:06 am

    i cant really tell these things are complicated it could be that he is just the type of person who is comfortable and expresses himself with skinshipm talk to him online to get closer m see what he likes