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I don't get all the hate towards Jinjini. He may have a fetish for school boys, but aren't...

NekuChan November 27, 2018 8:09 pm

I don't get all the hate towards Jinjini. He may have a fetish for school boys, but aren't you forgetting that he PUSHED SEUNGHEE AWAY when he tried to come onto him? Just leave the man alone! He obviously respects Seunghee. I like him, I wouldn't oppose at all if they did end up together. But I'm a fan of Suhyeok x Seunghee too! I like how cool Suhyeok-hyung is (*´꒳`*)

    Scattypetty November 28, 2018 4:08 pm

    I don't hate the guy, but aren't you kinda forgetting that he tried to touch Seungteak against his will, thinking he was Seunghee (chapter 10)?

    nanachin November 28, 2018 4:12 pm

    yeah, agreed

    flowersforricht November 28, 2018 7:35 pm

    Even if he hasn't crossed a sexual line, his treatment of MC is still grooming. It is very thinly within the legal line but it's still abusing his authority over a much younger person.