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For those who thinks the black cat isn't shingo because he behaves different or have a dif...

FUCKKK October 21, 2013 7:46 am

For those who thinks the black cat isn't shingo because he behaves different or have a different glare makes me want to destroy my macbook.
People please open your eye's and look very carefully...... the black cat is Shingo. It's like me saying Kokonoe in his cat form seen in Nekoka Danshi no Shitsukekata isn't him. You get my point.

    suck my cock October 21, 2013 8:08 am

    fuck you too

    sweetyaoibaby October 21, 2013 8:52 am

    look at the butts cat its not shingo

    FUCKKK October 21, 2013 11:27 am

    @Suck my cock, fuck you, don't be a little bitch
    @Sweet, really his butt?, they barely show his butt ... you know what fuck it, in the next the chapter the black introduced himself .. guess who it is???????

    Anonymous October 21, 2013 10:35 am

    Hahaha, his butt??? are you kidding me thats your excuse to prove that the black cat isn't Shingo, I worry bout you people at times.

    ksb1978 October 21, 2013 1:56 pm

    Makes you want to destroy your macbook? Is it that serious that you're getting that mad? LOL! what happened to having fun reading yaoi manga? You must be young.

    FUCKKK October 22, 2013 7:13 am

    @ksb1978, I;m not mad just annoyed, it's called expression of my feeling. You may not understand since people are from different countries and express themselves differently age got nothing to do with it.