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Onee-chan-in-law is a beast!

NukedDukem December 9, 2018 3:24 am

Wow! I think the mc is in some deep kimchi!
Is it me or has his brother abandoned onee-chan-in-law?
That's fucked up, bro...leaving your little bro in the hands of that beast-chan...she's on the fast lane for ruining him emotionally.
How the hell is he gonna have a normal life when she gets tired of playing with him?
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    trinityanne September 9, 2019 7:43 am

    honestly i have to agree with you entirely. however think about it from this perspective imagine having every single aspect of your daily life managed by somebody else and not just 1 day a week or a few for training but EVERY single day from your meals to your sleeping habits to when you bath and every thing in between as well that regime can destroy any athlete period no matter if their times are getting better and better emotionally that can take a MASSIVE toll on your mind and body speaking from the perspective of a former fighter before i met me now ex i was pretty happy with daily training and my eating habits however after being with my ex for a little over 2 years even though my career record was just getting better and better all the time i just retired not because of injury but because i emotionally was finished