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Jikookieloveee December 9, 2018 3:21 pm

Y'all need to stop hating on jinijinii, calling him a pedo freak etc. He didnt even try any weird stuff on seunghee can't you see, its so obvious that he genuinely likes him. He cried for him till his eyes turned red, brought him gift, wanted him to have friends and enjoy with them, he cares for seunghee so much. And y'all keep calling him disgusting. Just stop.

    nanachin December 9, 2018 3:28 pm


    Solivia December 9, 2018 4:32 pm

    Okay, but he's still a pedo based on the things he's done to other kids. You can't just excuse that lmfaO... The reasons you gave for him are prime examples of GROOMIMG!!

    Icetear December 9, 2018 4:35 pm
    Okay, but he's still a pedo based on the things he's done to other kids. You can't just excuse that lmfaO... The reasons you gave for him are prime examples of GROOMIMG!! Solivia

    Did I miss something? As far as I know he met younger boys, yes. But did he ever do something?

    Solivia December 9, 2018 4:39 pm
    Did I miss something? As far as I know he met younger boys, yes. But did he ever do something? Icetear

    A couple chaptets ago his boss insinuated that he would sleep with the boys and then leave them. He also sent a dick pic to a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD BOY, in case you missed that as well. And what do you mean by "do" something? Are you trying to downplay the pedophilia by saying that him "just" pursuing minors is okay? Because it's not.

    Langchimaple December 9, 2018 4:44 pm
    Did I miss something? As far as I know he met younger boys, yes. But did he ever do something? Icetear

    He sent his dick pic to Seungtaek in ch 21 too

    Icetear December 9, 2018 4:46 pm

    I don't really believe his boss because he seems to be really prejudiced.
    Yes, I missed the part about the boy just being 13 years old, that really was to much.
    But I Don't think he deserves to be hated for being a pedophile. It's a sexual orientation just like being homosexual, pansexual or whathever. The problem is, they can never allow themselves to live after their orientation because it would hurt the children. And everyone hates them. Wonderful live.

    nanachin December 9, 2018 4:47 pm

    Well, I still like him even he sent a dick pic to a 13 yo boy.

    Emoot December 9, 2018 4:53 pm

    So many underage kids on this site excuse pedophilia its so wrong, this guy is a pedophile and what he is doing is called grooming. Just ewww

    nanachin December 9, 2018 4:53 pm
    I don't really believe his boss because he seems to be really prejudiced.Yes, I missed the part about the boy just being 13 years old, that really was to much.But I Don't think he deserves to be hated for being... Icetear

    OMG sorry but pedophilia isn't a sexual orientation! Where did you hear that?! It's a disorder and people with pedophilia need to be treated unlike homosexuality and etc.

    klancyklance December 9, 2018 5:03 pm
    I don't really believe his boss because he seems to be really prejudiced.Yes, I missed the part about the boy just being 13 years old, that really was to much.But I Don't think he deserves to be hated for being... Icetear

    Uhhhh my dude you good???You got to be joking about pedophilia being a sexual orientation??children and teens do not have a fully developed conscious to give consent and understand such things and adults know that and some take advantage of them because of that leaving them traumatized for life for some its a mental disorder that has to be treated for others they're sick pathological manipulators that will take advantage of innocent kids it's not something to compare with homosexuality if the relationship does not involve two consenting adults

    skye1118 December 9, 2018 5:10 pm
    I don't really believe his boss because he seems to be really prejudiced.Yes, I missed the part about the boy just being 13 years old, that really was to much.But I Don't think he deserves to be hated for being... Icetear

    Dude don’t even TRY to excuse pedophilia as a sexual orientation. That’s what allows predators to keep going because “oh well it’s just how they feel so we should let them feel it!!” NO!! It’s such a harmful way of thinking and by excusing it as a sexuality you’re trying to say that pedophilia is natural and isn’t as bad as it seems! These people go after children dude! Don’t rope that it with homosexuality!

    yaois December 9, 2018 5:14 pm
    So many underage kids on this site excuse pedophilia its so wrong, this guy is a pedophile and what he is doing is called grooming. Just ewww Emoot


    Solivia December 9, 2018 5:43 pm
    I don't really believe his boss because he seems to be really prejudiced.Yes, I missed the part about the boy just being 13 years old, that really was to much.But I Don't think he deserves to be hated for being... Icetear

    You're disgusting.

    Icetear December 9, 2018 7:12 pm

    I never said that a pedophile should be allowed to do anything to children! They can never do that because children should simply be children, without being harassed!
    But pedophilia is not a mental illness that could be cured, the person can only learn to control and suppress it for their whole lives, now YOU do your research!
    @ Solivia: Well thank you so much. This kind of comments are exactly what we need in a discussion. I can take being called 'disgusting', but there are people out there who can really be hurt by this kind of comments.

    @iko~ December 9, 2018 7:33 pm
    I don't really believe his boss because he seems to be really prejudiced.Yes, I missed the part about the boy just being 13 years old, that really was to much.But I Don't think he deserves to be hated for being... Icetear

    Damn! Most disgusting shit I've heard in a while.

    @iko~ December 9, 2018 7:35 pm
    Well, I still like him even he sent a dick pic to a 13 yo boy. nanachin

    No one cares about your disgusting taste tho :')

    Anonymous December 9, 2018 7:41 pm

    *reads op comment*
    *dials* Hello, police.

    AnimeAngel2692 December 9, 2018 7:43 pm
    I don't really believe his boss because he seems to be really prejudiced.Yes, I missed the part about the boy just being 13 years old, that really was to much.But I Don't think he deserves to be hated for being... Icetear

    Oh boy, someone mention that there was a comment like this here.... didn’t want to believe it though.

    What the actual fuck?! Are you saying that TWO CONSENTING ADULTS having sex and AN ADULT HAVING SEX WITH A PREPUBESCENT CHILD should be considered the same group?
    Where the hell did you pull that “factual” tidbit from? That’s a legit question, who told that?
    It’s statements like this that make it harder for ppl to accept homosexuality or anything sexual orientation that’s not considered “the norm”. Saying that “allowing” same sex couples “will open the gates for other things”

    Ugh, seriously, I usually don’t give two fucks about ppl merging reality morals into a fictional story (coz it’s fiction and ppl are allowed to express their own opinions) But this.... this is beyond the worse comment I’ve ever read.
    I honestly hope you’re just spewing up words the “help” you’re argument about the story because if this is your outlook in real life, I pity you and those who know you.

    Anonymous December 9, 2018 7:43 pm
    I don't really believe his boss because he seems to be really prejudiced.Yes, I missed the part about the boy just being 13 years old, that really was to much.But I Don't think he deserves to be hated for being... Icetear


    @iko~ December 9, 2018 7:43 pm
    Stop!I never said that a pedophile should be allowed to do anything to children! They can never do that because children should simply be children, without being harassed! But pedophilia is not a mental illness... Icetear

    Go on to Wikipedia.. Search pedophile. It's clearly written there that it is a psychiatric disorder. I donno how you can justify someone who's sending his dick pics to 13 year olds. The author is clearly trying to show us how pedos are actually. It's just sick how so many people is taking his side.
    And i don't know if you are disgusting or not but your taste sure is. :')