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Red String of Fate

vyrhoci December 10, 2018 12:16 pm

Two guyswere bound to each other by red string. (To be honest I am not sure if these are the same story but...)

Basically, a long time ago this one guy went to the other guy even though it was forbidden because the other guy was like holy or something? It was in an old setting. When the village found out they wanted to kill the guy (I'm not sure what happened exactly...) but I remember they got curse then died.

Fast forward to modern age. The guy met the other guy again and found that the curse was... ummm... whenever the other gets hurt, the guy takes it??? I think that was what it was.

But this is where I'm not sure of if the cover and what I just said are the same, the cover has the other guy, black haired, with redstrings and the guy, yellow or golden haired I think, was on the background...
