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After reading a few of this author's works and noticing a similar pattern of people intima...

TheStardust December 14, 2018 5:32 pm

After reading a few of this author's works and noticing a similar pattern of people intimately and sexually getting together for a short while and suddenly separating without a chance to reach a resolution, it takes me to the idea that the author himself must've gone through a similar experience and is thus relieving it through his stories. Being gay irl (in japan) is no rainbow scenery :(

    RancidLemons April 2, 2020 12:11 am

    His stories are immensely fucked up, at this point I'd care less about his traumatic past and more about getting a psychiatrist for his future.

    "But Lemon" you say "This is the grim reality of the world, these happen irl, someone needs to tell these stories"
    to which I say
    "Maybe, but one must also signal that what they're putting in their work is morally wrong!"