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yahoo world trigger!

harik0 December 15, 2018 7:05 pm

i used to watch the anime when it was ongoing (2015?) but stopped halfway. picked it up again and the sudden anime ending left me so angsty i had to pick up the manga. heard sensei wasnt well and lack of support caused this great series not to get an anime continuation... so here i am. hope sensei gets well! may 2019 bring prosperity to world trigger! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

its a pretty solid series, i wish to be able to support sensei by buying his mangas one day. i like it /that/much

i remember thinking osamu was pretty annoying but truthfully he's pretty good at using his brain, i can never come up with half of the stuff he thinks of so who am i to judge him xD

chika is someone who irritates me more cause she, on the other hand, has the power but chooses not to use it. i would like to see her in a pinch and finally using normal hound to eliminate targets! go chika!!

its heartwarming to see hyuse warm up to tamakoma (well, some more than others) and altho he still seems pretty distant from the other members of tamakoma 2, i like how he's level-headed and calm in his situation. realistically i dont think he should be treated that nicely by tamakoma but for the sake of the plot, i'll take it :P

lastly, i really miss replica. his combo with yuma and insights really did make it fun to watch... cant believe he played that big of a role. i really hope they get to save him somehow!!

oh, and in regards to how sensei creates the characters i like how despite the A-rankers and neighbors are strong, they too have weaknesses that doesnt make them too OP. which is nice. i kinda dont like too OP characters, it makes the MC's struggle painful to watch. also not being too OP makes it realistic! ヾ(☆▽☆)
