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Everyone else besides Alus are so unlikeable

Jaehwa December 16, 2018 7:31 am

The governor's reasoning to keep Alus in the army doesn't make any sense. Sure he's number 1, but what about the other 8 people below him? Aren't they strong enough to defend the wall? Its a wonder how no one recognizes him as number 1 magician seeing that he has incredible military achievements
Also, why should he be responsible for training those girls? That's not what he agreed to with the governor, it would've made more sense to push his rejection since he's not obligated to do so.
I'm dropping this, the plot has potential, but too many unlikeable characters is ruining it for me.

    EmpressAlex December 26, 2018 12:47 am

    AGREED!! this had sooo much potential ughhh such a shame #-.-)