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I can't say i liked this... it's just wrong, they killed so many people and didn't get the...

varas October 27, 2013 4:17 am

I can't say i liked this... it's just wrong, they killed so many people and didn't get the deserved punishment, and that uke was so weak, i mean just because the other guy saved him that means he has to do everything he says: kill as many people as he could... doens't he know the difference between right and wrong? Another thing, people were being killed indiscriminately and no one did anything to stop it? that's just weird... the art was good and the sex scenes were hot, but the story....

    Judo September 16, 2014 4:18 am

    You! How dare you?! You just don't understand loyalty and honour! *runs off crying*

    Logic? September 20, 2014 7:24 am

    It's called debt, and at least he quit before he was too far into it. Their punishment is the guilt and the scars they have to live with for the rest of their lives. And you have to remember, Saku was abandoned when he was very very young, meaning no one was there to teach him. I admit there were plotholes, but this is one of the better yaoi stories out there.

    Also, I'm sorry you have your head shoved so far up your ass and your moral pinky so high up in the air that you can't enjoy a fiction story. Do yourself a favor and avoid the yaoi genre completely.