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Little review (long read)

Killerbear December 19, 2018 12:32 am

I liked how this manga was nicely paced, just good enough to get the story and also be satisfied with how fast the plot goes. I really love the art, too!

What I didn't expect was that this story wasn't about coming to terms about your past and present, about regrets, realising your mistakes, but moving on. Instead, it was about... magically redoing your mistakes, so you get the future you want?
There's no power-woman, single mother Yuka, but a girl who somehow has the same son, no matter who the father is. How she ended up with Taichi is to me like as if the author is telling that being a single mother is not good and she should be married to make her happy...
Taichi was really just a minor character in this manga, so I have not a lot to say about him, except how the author could've elaborated the issue about him blackmailing the mysterious man who was with Akita a little bit more.
Shoji & Akita... well, I like them as a couple! Maybe this sounds pretty weird, but Akita was more likeable in the first return to the present, where she was an escort, but doing the thing she was confident and happy with? And Shoji treated her not that well until the very end. What does it say about a man who needs two magic throw-back-to-the-pasts to realise your worth as a woman? Anyway, they're happy in this new present, so that counts.
Takumi is the only real character to me. He's been consistent from the beginning till the end in his feelings, his goals and his attitude. He was not like "I'm not happy with how I am as 27 year old" (okay, except for that one time) or "I don't want to change anything, because I have something to lose". He was determined to save Taru, even when he didn't end up with Tamaki and turned out that Taru is a dark guy.
Taru, man, I thought he was this super cool bloke. But I was wrong. He somehow became super dark depressive when he was in coma. That's not a bad thing, though. The author could've worked this out really well, like making Taru some kind of villain turning into angel. An angel who showed mercy and making his friends realise that lying is bad, but if friendship is true, all would be forgiven. And then die. That would've been perfect for me (=・ω・=)
But nooooooo, Taru is part of this perfect future of Tamaki. He needs to stay alive and forget every backstab, every nasty part of each personalities. Who he is as a adult, nobody knows, nobody cares?
Because this world revolves Tamaki! Tamaki, who has actually no regrets at first as a 27 year old, instantly regretted that she didn't end up with Takumi the moment she knew of Yuka's lie. And that's, for me, exactly the moment all the problems started. In the end, she fortunately realises that her indecisiveness was the source of a lot of issues around her, but that took her two intense Girl Who Lept Through Time moments. Gosh, it seems there is no limit to her being an air head. So, yeah, she's the ideal character for girls to insert themselves in the story. She gets the boy, she gets this awesome adventure to the past, all her friends are okay and preggo, Taru is not mad at her and still is in her life. But from a sort of literary point of view, she's a horrible character.

Woah, have you read till this far! Thank you (≧∀≦)
Please tell me what you think of this manga! I would to read it, too!

    Hazuki Jin September 22, 2019 8:35 pm

    Yeah I think pretty much the same. Yuka, Taru and Akita. Those characters were relatable and real. But Yuka gave up her (real) son, Akita is again the meek wife, and Taru didn't realize his real problem. He was lonely and hadn't the chance of growing up, making experiences. Thats why the whole drama in the past can't lead to something good with him because he is in fact 17. Just that his memories are everything he had up to 27. And even them are getting dark because of all those confessions. If the story should have a happy ending (in my opinion not neccessary) then Taru could have just awaken in the original past. Tachi and Yuka a couple, Tamaki and Takumi a couple and Shouji could try to be a better man.