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Takeru December 19, 2018 2:12 pm

hi guys again, need your help..
i'm feeling so bored and i just remember a yaoi manga I once read but can't remember the title.
the story goes like this............
the uke is a college student in tokyo, but forced to withdraw after the sudden death of his parents and needs to tke care of his little brother then he manage to get a place where he and his brother could stay its a little shop own by a couple, then there's this seme who is I think an architect or somethings wants to get away from his stressful work and almost ran over the little brother of the uke... then there on there story started, by letting the seme have sex with the uke for money, then after realizing the the uke have fallen inlove he can no longer cont. and went back to their home town with his lil brother but later on the seme followed him,...(≧∀≦)
