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Even though the art was really good, but the plot was all over the place, this ain't it

Marico El Que Lo Lea December 20, 2018 10:31 pm

Even though the art was really good, but the plot was all over the place, this ain't it

    Hug Me (๑˃ᴗ˂) July 31, 2019 4:11 pm

    Exactly, after reading 2 chapters I was thinking WTH! What's actually the author san is trying to depict, nothing was making any sense here.. but I continued reading for Ushio (he's an angel!) And after finished reading still I'm confused about a lot of things.. I got the synopsis but don't understand what they mean..
    Like The father (Yuki) gave birth to Aoi? I mean Aoi is the child of another woman and Yuki after he cut his bond and ran away from shrine? Or Aoi is the child of the head inugami (the dog spirit) and Yuki? (So MPreg?)
    And if Hakumei is the Inugami's mistress how can he have sex with Aoi in that shrine under Inugami's nose!! And if the mistress could have feelings for other people and have sex with them, why did Yuki ran away? Does that even make sense?!
    And Aoi's Uncle is the Head Inugami's mistress, so how can he and Minami flirt with each other? The uncle even said he'd burn the shrine if Inugami harm Aoi and Minami..
    ....... And the list goes on.....