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"Turns out, if someone likes you, no matter how petite you are, they can always find yoy i...

sheru December 22, 2018 4:22 pm

"Turns out, if someone likes you, no matter how petite you are, they can always find yoy in a crowd." This is so sweet...
but I beg to differ. I'm 24, 146cm.
How can someone even notice me when I'm not even in other people's line of sight? Everyone around me is so tall and I really get this inferiority complex even to those younger than me. I always feel like I don't deserve tall guys because I look like a child beside them... I like tall guys but I guess the idea of "short girls are perfect for tall guys" isn't for me.

Anyway, the story is really so cute...kinda gives me hope. Hehehehe...

    Elly January 2, 2021 10:37 am

    Don't worry about it! I'd if you'll read this after a year but you can just be you! You won't look like a child, just be proud of your height and yourself! (⌒▽⌒)