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Mum: Honey, are you alright? Your smile looks creepy and you have a stream of blood flowin...

qian zi October 29, 2013 8:32 am

Mum: Honey, are you alright? Your smile looks creepy and you have a stream of blood flowing from your nose....
Me: Uh...uh...yeah....I'm just having a Fujoshi are way too hot-
Mum: Honey?! I'll dial the ambulance!
*in hospital*
Doctor: She just fainted of bloodloss. It was due to over excitement-
Me: I'M WELL AGAIN. Let's go home.
*rinse repeat, rinse repeat, etc*

    Chiaki January 7, 2014 7:51 pm

    The harsh life of a fujoshi.

    steve January 18, 2014 10:09 pm

    Something like that happen to me in the middle of reading! I had to hurry back to know ending! (Every fujoshi will know my pain...)