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Queen ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ December 29, 2018 2:24 pm

On Chapter 63 when Aoi changed into a human form the kimono worn was a woman's style. So, I had been thinking is Aoi-san a female?

Chapter 64 basically confirms it haha! Aoi-san is indeed a female.

    Riren_Love January 19, 2019 8:50 pm

    Not necessarily. Aoi is a unisex name used for both men and women, not to mention in the raws, Aoi has been referred to in gender-neutral terms. Aoi is capable of turning into many forms, which means they could easily take the form of an animal, a man, or a woman if they so wished.

    What I'm trying to say is that while it is possible that Aoi is a woman, there is also always the possibility that Aoi is a long-haired man who finds women's style kimono comfortable and enjoys dressing in them.

    It's also possible that Aoi just prefers appearing in a female form when they aren't in the cat one, and it has no real bearing on what they actually are.

    I don't think we can really know for sure until we have more information about Aoi, which so far we haven't gotten much of, I think some more waiting is in order before we can really say for sure.

    Aoi could very well end up being trans, genderfluid or non-binary in the end for all we know.

    Queen ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ January 20, 2019 4:55 pm
    Not necessarily. Aoi is a unisex name used for both men and women, not to mention in the raws, Aoi has been referred to in gender-neutral terms. Aoi is capable of turning into many forms, which means they could... Riren_Love

    Ohh I never considered Aoi-san being gender fluid :o
    Yeah guess we do still have some infos lacking Aoi-san remains a mystery