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Looking for a manga

Haruka December 29, 2018 11:15 pm

So I read this one a while ago but I can't remember the name, it had a lot of stories and one of them was about two friends who loved each other since school and then they start living together, the seme becomes overly possessive as they stay together (does that make sense but yea) anyway they go out with some friends and they start saying how both the uke and the seme are missing out on life since they both live together and can't date girls (they don't know they are together) and then they say sth about how the uke is really cute and they won't mind being with him (they were drunk) the seme gets mad and drags the uke home and u know what

Sorry for the long explanation, hope it makes sense ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
