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HanajimaSei January 1, 2019 4:15 pm

So... They die? And that's that? I'm... kinda unsatified... It seems like an easy ending instead of closing a circle or something similar. I enjoyed the journey, so I don't regret reading it, but I have this little feeling of unfulfillment. There are so many characters, that I can't really feel it like an ending for all of them. Poor Frankie is left behind after everything he did to build a safe and happy place for Rai, who could only only enjoy it for... What? A few months?

Also... What about M-21? His whole story had this background question, it was important to him to find out who he was before he became a test subject. Rai and Frankenstein promised him that they would find out. Yeah, Crombel is dead, but I still have no sense of closure for him.

I'm so very sad right now... ╥﹏╥
