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Syra Blue January 2, 2019 6:15 am

Well, this may or may not be an unpopular opinion
This was so sickly sweet and cliche and over exaggerated with blushing EVERYWHERE,
That is became really boring, predictable, overdone, and really just cringey to read.
It was trying really hard to be cute, but in the process of doing so and adding all of the cute stuff it just became a tiny bit cute and mostly just stuff that's been done a thousand times before, and gets older every time. Not worthy of fluffy.
What a shame. The art was good, and it had an ok idea. It had potential, but that's been gone to waste.
I hope the next work of this mangaka will live up to expectations.

    Mono January 26, 2019 9:28 pm

    I do disagree with you, but I do agree about the blushing. I don't really like reading a manga with lots of blushing.

    tsk January 28, 2019 11:55 pm

    it's something that has became a fact, in every art u'd see the same thing over and over again, and just everytime in a while that new creation is up, even tho, i don't see why not to enjoy the same things over and over again, blushing? i don't see boys or girls blushing over little things at all in real life, so why not give me a load of it in manga? also, u r reading it as a story of events , not a story of characters, read them as character only then u'd see how realistic they can get sometime*not the blushing* or how unique every manga is...

    Syra Blue January 29, 2019 12:39 am

    Maybe I was looking at the story as a story of events and not as a story of the characters, but having a balance is key. If there's a bad storyline, the characters are brought down, no matter how fantastic of unique they are, they will still be dulled if the storyline was bad. In this case, the bad storyline kind of just drowned the characters out, which is why I focused on that in my comments. It's the same vice versa.

    And honestly, having unique characters are pointless if the storyline is overdone and cliche when you can predict their every next move. If you use that kind of plot, you're always gonna have the characters making the same type of decisions that may or may not be out of character, and actions are a big part of characterization.

    With the blushing thing, I'm not saying it's bad, but putting it on every other page kinda ruins the effect. It's more well utilized when it gives the readers an occasional sense of 'awwww this character is so cuuute" But when it's done on every

    And about every manga being unique...Mmm. I don't really think so? It depends on manga, but some tend to follow the tropes more easily, rather than being original and creative. So they're basically the same plotline, just different characters and scenario. Which honestly, isn't all that different. Same goes for the characters.

    About reading the same thing over and over and enjoying it, there's nothing wrong with it. In fact, if you enjoy all of the stuff that I've mentioned above, heck, you have an easier time finding reading material than I do. But for me, it's the same with food. You can't expect me to eat my favorite food over and over again without getting sick of it. Because I will. Same thing with reading.

    Mono January 29, 2019 3:16 am

    Lol, I forgot what manga this is about. Sorry, but could you remind me again? Also, your points makes sense and I agree with how no matter how good the characters are if the storyline is bad it just brings the characters down. There have been stories I've read that I just look at the characters, because the storyline is bad and it's hard to read. Still, I think is more on a matter of preference.

    Syra Blue January 29, 2019 4:36 am

    This manga was about two boys. One rich, talented, smart, and alone. The other, persistent and cheery. The persistent kid wants to be friends with the rich kid, and is pushed away because he doesn't want to get hurt. They start getting closer, but rich kid pushed him away again because he has feelings of love toward him. Persistent kid realizes his own feelings and makes the push so they can be together. Add in a lot of blushing and cliches befitting of a shoujo, and you have this manga.

    Daniela January 29, 2019 10:15 pm

    Woah that felt like a stab in the heart.
    I blush easily, like fuck it gives away everything. Though my blushing goes for everything more or less such as embarrassment, when speaking about my own opinion when I know 20+ people will disagree with me & when I’m talking to my partner. Then when I do blush it just becomes worse because I know I’m blushing, get embarrassed over it and blush more.
    The only way to stop it is to more or less turn away/run away or put something cold against the cheeks.

    In other words I don’t think it’s cliche, mainly because I blush a lot.
    Then people who’re warm blooded blush more easily too.

    Syra Blue January 30, 2019 12:28 am

    (If you read this, please read it with a light hearted tone, I am by no means trying to talk down on you or be an asshole)
    I think it's different when it's put into manga, because there's a certain behavior and personality that always goes with it, and as something that's part of a manga, it's supposed to be used as a hook or characterization. And sometimes it's used like this, in which case, the character is a standard tsundere and pretty overused. Just because it happens in real life doesn't mean it can't be cliche in manga.
    For the record, I only have a problem with it in manga when it's used to much and turns the character into a basic, unoriginal tsundere.
    In real life, people are much more complex, and because of that, it's not a bad thing for me.
    I'm sure you're an adorable person, and I would love you if I met you, I just don't like it in manga.
    Also, lol, sorry, but aren't all people warm blooded? (≧∀≦)

    Daniela January 30, 2019 10:28 pm
    (If you read this, please read it with a light hearted tone, I am by no means trying to talk down on you or be an asshole)I think it's different when it's put into manga, because there's a certain behavior and ... Syra Blue

    Ah, then it’s understandable.
    Though I’m not adorable, I can be quite ugly - both mentally & physically (in both ways).
    Then no, everyone isn’t warm blooded.
    You know there’s those who’re always warm (even though they’re freezing) I’m one of them but due to a sickness I’ve inherited from my mother my body will go cold, like really cold on some parts + we freeze and get cold. So in other words she’s cold blooded, then there’s other without the sickness who’re cold blooded to, they’re always chilly/cold without freezing. Those are the best people to snuggle with heh

    R0se January 31, 2019 11:05 am

    You're right in everything. You said everything I wanted to say