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Last Kiss

Mameiha January 3, 2019 4:41 pm

Hmmm.... This is just an observation based on my own personal experience. I don't think the two men in Last Kiss were in love in the way you might think. I say this because I have a best friend who has been by my side for over 20 years. I love her dearly, we have done everything together from kiss to shower and sleep. I have seen every inch of her body and she has seen every inch of mine, but we have never gone as far as sex/mutual masturbation. This is because, as much as we love each other, we love our husbands and children more. We don't hide our intimate activities or feel ashamed of our friendship, but our husbands both understand they are our priority. We don't swing, I have zero attraction for her husband and she has zero for mine. Our husbands are also both as hetero as they come. It is an uncommon relationship, but it works for us both. The bizarre thing is that we just kind of fell into in naturally, as if it was the most normal thing to do. I think Last Kiss might be a relationship like this, with the exception of them hiding it. They love each other, but it is a different kind of love. Uncommon, but love nonetheless.
