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I like these stories!! It just shows you how people can fall in love with their rapist!! ...

dorishpp November 3, 2013 2:34 am

I like these stories!! It just shows you how people can fall in love with their rapist!! I think on some of them the person who got taken was already in love with the person who did it!! As for the brother one well I guess things like that happens but not to me!! I never looked at my siblings like that never and my siblings ages are very far apart!! Me and my eldest sibling is 20 years apart!! Sill didn't make me fall for them!! So now I want to know what's next so PLEASE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE ASAP!!! thx D

    Anonymous May 23, 2015 2:00 pm

    You may fall in love with your rapist, but is it really healthy to stay together with someone who is ok with hurting you to get what they want?

    I think it is a shame that the author did not address this.