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Macy January 6, 2019 11:23 pm

I Beleive somehow Soo-won is also connected to the red dragon king guy (Whatever his name is) like Yona is. The most important clue would be his love for all people, but also his personality seems similar, as well as his appearance. Also, why is it that King IL told him about Yona being the reincarnation, yet did not tell Hak or anyone else? What was so special about Soo-won to tell him that? I also wonder how King IL knew so much but I'm not gonna into that. Anyway, does anyone else think I may be onto something??

    yS January 9, 2019 10:51 pm

    I think Hiryuu finally became a true human like he wished = Soo-Won, and the Red Dragon separated from him into a essence of his own = Yona. This explains Soo-Wons and Hiryuu's similar personality traits, and Yona's disinterest in ruling and the crown: she only solves problems like she's laying out justice and granting people's wishes.