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I really liked this story. And unlike the cliche rape scene, I think this one had more dep...

Mikki January 8, 2019 2:41 am

I really liked this story. And unlike the cliche rape scene, I think this one had more depth than the usual rape scene. Yeah that sounds weird but in the usual ones, the seme is either doing it because he's a jerk or he's horny. I didn't think Ichiyanagi was a jerk at all that's also why I thought this rape didn't seem like him. Plus unlike the usual ukes, Ryuuto seemed fully capable of stopping it anytime he wanted to. I think his feelings was apart of him not stopping it either. So yeah. I also really liked Ryuuto, his smile is a gift from heaven. Even after everything he went through(I guess we can thank Ichiyanagi/theater for that XD)
