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Yuri On Ice

Macy January 13, 2019 12:08 am

I know everybody loves this show because of the cute relationship between yuri and Viktor, as well as not queer-baiting like most anime but instead putting everything out there. But can I point another really good thing about the show that nobody talks about? The fact that Yuri's competition are good/normal people. Most sports anime have the competition be mean or cheating so that the audience will root against them. But in Yuri On Ice most of the other skaters work just as hardy and earnestly as our main character. Especially Yurio,,,,,,,, which can I mention how great his character is??!? I could be wrong but I do believe I've never really watched a show with a similar character to him. Usually anime characters fit into a certain archetype but he's seems to be a little deeper than that. Could just be me tho. Anyway, idk I just wanted to talk about all this cus none of my irl friends like anime, usually they find it too cringey smh. I mean I do agree that some anime fans are cringey but that doesn't mean anime itself is bad

    doggochan January 13, 2019 12:14 am

    ... i disliked by mistake this is actually amazing

    Macy January 13, 2019 1:32 am
    ... i disliked by mistake this is actually amazing doggochan

    lmao It's okay

    TheStardust January 13, 2019 2:02 am

    hell yeahh!!!
    it's the healthiest thing i've ever seen! can't wait for the MOVIE(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Macy January 13, 2019 3:09 am
    hell yeahh!!!it's the healthiest thing i've ever seen! can't wait for the MOVIE(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ TheStardust

    yeah hell!