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Okay friends, I would just like to clear something up. Ya'll are bitching about how Guan S...

Fact Checker January 13, 2019 12:10 am

Okay friends, I would just like to clear something up. Ya'll are bitching about how Guan Shan is "being taken places without his consent" or whatever, and how Tianshan is '"an abusive relationship". First things first, NO Tianshan is definitely NOT an abusive relationship (ya'll obviously haven't read Warehouse or Killing Stalking) and Guan Shan is something called TSUNDERE, with means he will act like he doesn't want to do things, but in reality, he would want to do those things. And I think everyone who reads 19 Days should know, that He Tian would never purposely hurt Guan Shan, or try and do something that will make him really uncomfortable. He just wants to show Guan Shan how much he cares about him, by taking him places, or having an arm around him at all times. I will say it again, TIANSHAN IS NOT AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP.
thank you

    Roxan January 13, 2019 12:34 am

    YOU. ARE SO FUCKING RIGHT. I wanna screenshot this.

    Ash January 13, 2019 12:41 am


    Yun January 13, 2019 12:53 am

    I agree, I think if Mo really didn't want to be with He Tian he would have left a long time ago. I believe he's fully capable to do so.

    Anonymous January 13, 2019 12:55 am

    Oh wow. "And I think everyone who reads 19 Days should know, that He Tian would never purposely hurt Guan Shan, or try and do something that will make him really uncomfortable. "
    I guess you missed all the times He Tian literally beat up Mo Ghan Shan. No once, not twice, many times. He beat up Guan Shan to force him to go to his house cook for him, he beat up Guan Shan to force him to wear his precious earrings ... like he was his cattle. He beat up Guan Shan when he refused to accept his sandwich.... Every single interaction He Tian has with Guan Shan is about He Tian excising his superiority --- what he loves to remind Momo every time Mo even tries to payback.
    And what the fuck are you talking about never make him uncomfortable? Starting by the forced kiss, the whole deal of He Tian is to make Mo Guan Shan uncomfortable because he knows it fluster Mo Guan Shan. We just saw a chapter where He Tian kisses Mo Guan Shan's neck ( again, without any consent) in front of everybody. How the hell this is not uncomfortable for a guy that he knows would not want to have such display in front of everybody?
    Of course Tianshan is an abusive relationship, simply for the fact that Mo Guan Shan absolutely doesn't have a choice in anything and probably never will, including sexual position. It's no coincidence that most assume that He Tian is the seme --- despite the fact that, Mo Guan Shan is clearly someone who would most enjoy dominance in bed because he needs it. Everybody assume He Tian will fuck Mo Guan Shan because honestly this is a couple where He Tian will always do whatever he wants, no matter if it pleases his partner or not. No one has any difficulty in seeing He Tian pinning Mo Guan Shan down, either he wants it or not. He is the boss and Mo has to submit to be his wifey. Another sign of their imbalance is that Mo Guan Shan clearly fears He Tian --- this is clear when Mo Guan Shan first saw He Cheng... his words .... a familiar feeling that danger is possible for the slightest provocation --- he was associating the fear feeling with He Tian. This is by no means a healthy, caring and loving relationship, never will be because Yaoi logic demands that Mo Guan Shan will never stand up for He Tian -- the almighty alpha and husband -- but as a damsel in distress, he will be rescue and chased and fucked like the pet that he is.
    You can see how He Tian is an asshole of a partner when he tells Mo Guan Shan " I don't like to be ordered around" ( in the chapter where Mo Guan Shan simply tells him to move from below him). What a hypocrite, selfish guy, telling this to the guy that he orders around since the first time they met. He should be the first one then to know how humiliating for Mo is that he is treated like a lackey. He takes Mo Guan Shan bed for sleep, he orders what Mo Guan Shan will do and we all know that MoMo simply doesn't have a choice. What kind of partner is that? If this is not abusive in your world, I don't know what it is.
    About Mo Guan Shan being 'Tsundere' ... that is the 'beauty' of yaoi, isn't ? No only the fact that tries to portray someone like He Tian as ideal boyfriend but also that the victim falls in love with his abuser. Isn't this exactly the point of 'rape me until I fall in love with you? . Tianshan, being Shounen Ai, is just the light version of the bully who abuses a guy and then the love story is about how the victim ends up in love with his tormentor ( you know because he is a 'tsundere'. ). I wonder how many girls really live a in real life situation with a boyfriend like He Tian who treats them as their property and they think he is the best guy in the word and fall for them.

    TianMo January 13, 2019 12:56 am


    LMFAO January 13, 2019 1:05 am
    Oh wow. "And I think everyone who reads 19 Days should know, that He Tian would never purposely hurt Guan Shan, or try and do something that will make him really uncomfortable. " I guess you missed all the t... @Anonymous

    I'm not even gonna read this because it's YOU AGAIN. THE SAME HAUNTED NOLIFE who over and over again writes the same arguments and posts.
    Seriously get some help.

    My Chemical Yaoi January 13, 2019 1:05 am
    Oh wow. "And I think everyone who reads 19 Days should know, that He Tian would never purposely hurt Guan Shan, or try and do something that will make him really uncomfortable. " I guess you missed all the t... @Anonymous

    I hate how people can think like this. This isn't Killing Stalking, don't act like it is.

    My Chemical Yaoi January 13, 2019 1:06 am

    I love you, you are 100% correct

    Anonymous January 13, 2019 1:08 am
    I hate how people can think like this. This isn't Killing Stalking, don't act like it is. My Chemical Yaoi

    Man it's the same HAUNTED anon. They write the same shit UNDER EVERY CHAPTER. Dragging past events over and over again.
    This story is not so deep. Lmfao every chapter have few pages for fuck sake.

    Anonymous January 13, 2019 1:10 am
    Oh wow. "And I think everyone who reads 19 Days should know, that He Tian would never purposely hurt Guan Shan, or try and do something that will make him really uncomfortable. " I guess you missed all the t... @Anonymous

    Wait and Jian Yi ddidnt force things ( like KISS for example) on Xixi and made/makes him super uncomfortable from the very beginning?

    My Chemical Yaoi January 13, 2019 1:10 am
    Man it's the same HAUNTED anon. They write the same shit UNDER EVERY CHAPTER. Dragging past events over and over again.This story is not so deep. Lmfao every chapter have few pages for fuck sake. @Anonymous

    What, me? Tf did i do?

    Pfff January 13, 2019 1:14 am
    Oh wow. "And I think everyone who reads 19 Days should know, that He Tian would never purposely hurt Guan Shan, or try and do something that will make him really uncomfortable. " I guess you missed all the t... @Anonymous

    Oh hello. Arent you the same anon who bush Tianshan over and over again even if in the chapter He Tian didnt make anything more than breath in Momo direction~

    Anonymous January 13, 2019 1:15 am
    What, me? Tf did i do? My Chemical Yaoi

    I was talking about the anon who wrote the whole essay and you commented their post.
    I just wanted to say that discussion with them is pointless BECAUSE it's the same anon bushing Tianshan under nearly every chapter.

    Anonymous January 13, 2019 1:17 am
    Oh wow. "And I think everyone who reads 19 Days should know, that He Tian would never purposely hurt Guan Shan, or try and do something that will make him really uncomfortable. " I guess you missed all the t... @Anonymous

    Hahaha hahaha omg I cant believe it. I was just waiting for you.

    My Chemical Yaoi January 13, 2019 1:17 am
    I was talking about the anon who wrote the whole essay and you commented their post. I just wanted to say that discussion with them is pointless BECAUSE it's the same anon bushing Tianshan under nearly every ch... @Anonymous

    Oh sorry lol, yeah I agree with you.

    Random anon January 13, 2019 1:25 am
    Wait and Jian Yi ddidnt force things ( like KISS for example) on Xixi and made/makes him super uncomfortable from the very beginning? @Anonymous

    Don't forget in the present, xixi also hit jian yi.

    Why is it so hard? January 13, 2019 1:29 am

    I sometimes wonder if readers know what consent is or can recognize abuse.
    I love Tianshan but I am perfectly capable of enjoying this as a trope and fanservice without the need to romanticize a dynamic that I would never call normal in real life.
    Please friends, this is fantasy and it's okay to enjoy a kinky owner/pet stuff but as real life people, we should all be able to distinguish what is appropriate and right IN REAL LIFE.
    Ask yourself a question: Would you accept to be treated by any man, no matter how hot he was, like He Tian treats Mo Guan Shan? ( Be very careful here, He Tian has beaten Mo, he has ordered him around, forced him to use jewelry (creepy) and he never asks Mo Guan Shan for permission on anything and basically takes his time for granted).
    If your answer is yes, that your real dream man is a He Tian, please seek immediate help. We all deserve respect and at any moment He Tian interacts with Mo Guan Shan he fails to give the other guy this basic right.
    As characters in a yaoi genre, they are the cutest. In real life, I would feel sorry for Mo Guan Shan if he really fell in love with someone who treats him as prey to be tamed.
    Why is it so hard to admit thing in fantasy that we would have no problem qualifying in real life. I bet that every person who reads 19 Days would know right away what is wrong with how He Tian chases and treats Mo Guan Shan if they were two people in their school or circle.

    Why so hard? January 13, 2019 1:30 am

    I sometimes wonder if readers know what consent is or can recognize abuse.
    I love Tianshan but I am perfectly capable of enjoying this as a trope and fanservice without the need to romanticize a dynamic that I would never call normal in real life.
    Please friends, this is fantasy and it's okay to enjoy a kinky owner/pet stuff but as real life people, we should all be able to distinguish what is appropriate and right IN REAL LIFE.
    Ask yourself a question: Would you accept to be treated by any man, no matter how hot he was, like He Tian treats Mo Guan Shan? ( Be very careful here, He Tian has beaten Mo, he has ordered him around, forced him to use jewelry (creepy) and he never asks Mo Guan Shan for permission on anything and basically takes his time for granted).
    If your answer is yes, that your real dream man is a He Tian, please seek immediate help. We all deserve respect and at any moment He Tian interacts with Mo Guan Shan he fails to give the other guy this basic right.
    As characters in a yaoi genre, they are the cutest. In real life, I would feel sorry for Mo Guan Shan if he really fell in love with someone who treats him as prey to be tamed.
    Why is it so hard to admit thing in fantasy that we would have no problem qualifying in real life. I bet that every person who reads 19 Days would know right away what is wrong with how He Tian chases and treats Mo Guan Shan if they were two people in their school or circle.

    yaoilover January 13, 2019 1:32 am


    Anonymous January 13, 2019 1:36 am
    I sometimes wonder if readers know what consent is or can recognize abuse. I love Tianshan but I am perfectly capable of enjoying this as a trope and fanservice without the need to romanticize a dynamic that I... @Why so hard?

    xDDDD hahaha omg and now you try to pretend you like Tianshan. Pet/owner again xD i just cant. The same anon with the same long essays.