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Is Fifty Shares of Gray worth it?

KAM January 13, 2019 2:24 am

I've been into BDSM way before the movie came out, been reading fiction, watching videos, collecting kits, etc--- but never watched the movie. My mother and my sister are both head over heels about the movie, but I never really got interest- I was more annoyed than anything else.

Are the actors good? Is it entertaining and interesting? How deep is it? Is it only about s*x / BDSM or does it have a meaning behind? Is it a '' cliché '' type of movie?

Anyways, tell me how you liked / disliked this movie and if it's worth a try.

    Vamplady019 January 13, 2019 2:01 am

    My opinion? If you want to watch it for the BDSM, then don't, it doesn't have good BDSM. It's just a mild form of that. frankly, I was disappointed because of that, but if you wanna watch it because it's romantic, then yes you should watch it. other than that, it was like MEH.

    titsmcgee January 13, 2019 2:22 am

    Reading it for bdsm? LOL NO. It's hardly that.
    For romance? depends on your taste. it's literally a fanfic of Twilight (the vampire shit). I do mean literally, b/c that's what the author said. She started writing it as a "grown-up" version of it for "older women" or whatever. personally, i think the romance is dumb. ceo/rich dude is kinda stalkerish and controlling. it's a pass from me. but hey, if u like that then do your thing

    KAM January 13, 2019 2:23 am
    My opinion? If you want to watch it for the BDSM, then don't, it doesn't have good BDSM. It's just a mild form of that. frankly, I was disappointed because of that, but if you wanna watch it because it's romant... Vamplady019

    Honestly, I got more curious for the BDSM- and if the story turns around the meaning of it. But now I guess you responds my question. I'll, maybe, give it a try, but I'm not too excited about it.

    Thanks though for taking the time to answer! :)

    KAM January 13, 2019 2:27 am
    Reading it for bdsm? LOL NO. It's hardly that.For romance? depends on your taste. it's literally a fanfic of Twilight (the vampire shit). I do mean literally, b/c that's what the author said. She started writin... titsmcgee

    Thanks for taking the time to respond!

    I still haven't watched the movie, my family (mother and sister) did and are both head over heels over it. I was annoyed at first, but curiosity got in since I've been into BDSM way before the movie came out. I got 2 replies (by now) on this post and both of you are warning me that the BDSM isn't on spot and that the romance isn't that great.

    I'll, maybe, give it a try, but I'm not too excited about it. x)

    Thanks though!

    Psycho January 13, 2019 5:40 am

    read the books.

    Vamplady019 January 13, 2019 9:54 pm
    Honestly, I got more curious for the BDSM- and if the story turns around the meaning of it. But now I guess you responds my question. I'll, maybe, give it a try, but I'm not too excited about it. Thanks though ... KAM

    You're welcome. Anytime.