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I love you people! I love the whole Mangago family, manga readers and mangas. After a long...

RAZ January 13, 2019 11:38 pm

I love you people! I love the whole Mangago family, manga readers and mangas. After a long day I came here just to be happy. See my manga got updated or finished I get happy just like kids. This site is really giving me happines I am really thankful for that. I am thankful for writers and Mangakas. Their imagination, talent and perspective of love. Different kinds of love, different stories, different styles but same happiness, joy. I am so grateful for neing a fujoshi in my life. So grateful for seeing mangakas has such brilliant ideas and such pure visions of love. I am happy that they exist in this world. That they can imagine the beautiful side of love and show it to us. This is nice. Love and be loved. Good night (=・ω・=)
