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Since Ein first made his appearance in the story I’ve seen quite a few number of people ...

Ada January 15, 2019 12:40 pm

Since Ein first made his appearance in the story I’ve seen quite a few number of people saying they find Ein super sexy but I wasn’t fully convinced until I finished reading chapter 48. Wow, the things this man does: telling Diesel to run before the police arrives - prioritizes Diesel’s safety even when he’s hurt, quietly comforting Diesel when he’s unconscious, holding Diesel’s scarf off the ground so it won’t get dirty, retrieving the necklace so Diesel won’t have to wet his injured hand, asking if Diesel is okay with the new name, etc. Very small gestures, but they really show us how inherently kind and caring he is. Ein also gives off this calm but self-assured vibe, this subtle and quiet sense of confidence - not showy at all and that’s what makes him so so attractive. Diesel is lucky to be loved by someone like him.
