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This manga is really incredible. Never in my life I thought how hard it could be for a per...

Hota-chan January 17, 2019 3:52 am

This manga is really incredible. Never in my life I thought how hard it could be for a person with a disability to be in a relationship or to interact with people. Even with their own families they don't have it easy, and the way society works push them to a terrifying state of loneliness... Is just so hard. To have to work with that and trough that and to have to work with other things like school, or an a romantic relationship... Every single thing looks hard for them, because they have other problems, necessities, things that we have for granted.

This manga is a masterpiece, and I love it so so much. It's perfect how the author doesn't rush the romance because the most important thing in this manga is for both of them to love themselves, and then, to be able to love each other. They need to be in the same page, and that would only be possible when they accept how and what they are, and then they would be able to hear the other out and work in their relationship. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
