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Hm..... there are good things about this manga like Cynthia and Alfred. Even it's small, y...

Noodles January 17, 2019 6:21 am

Hm..... there are good things about this manga like Cynthia and Alfred. Even it's small, you can tell that they have really great bond together. The mother was also good part, it was amusing when she show up.
Unfortunately the bad parts are the so-called hero, Rick. I don't see any chemistry between him and Cynthia . It felt forced and it took him awhile to trust her. So when he start to like her? Let's not forgot about the brother, Graham... what a coward.....
It was okay at the end.

    Samkeesh April 16, 2020 1:15 am

    Alfred was a cheating piece of human shit. End. Of. Story. Rick was way better.

    Samkeesh April 16, 2020 1:16 am
    Alfred was a cheating piece of human shit. End. Of. Story. Rick was way better. Samkeesh

    Oh shit I read that super wrong sorry ╥﹏╥

    Comadrin August 17, 2020 8:33 am

    I also loved Cynthia and Alfred, and really liked Tiffany as well. However, everyone else in Alfred's family (if they are supposed to be aristocratic) are perfect testimonials for apologists for the French Revolution. They made me think of the Peter O'Toole movie, "The Ruling Class." If they were all broken down into their constituent sub-atomic particles, the average IQ of the human race would take a noticeable jump.