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Oh my god. This is the single worst yaoi I have ever read. I cannot think of a worst one. ...

Anonymous January 20, 2019 9:12 am

Oh my god. This is the single worst yaoi I have ever read. I cannot think of a worst one. The rape and twisted shit is bad and all but that is far from the main problem with this manga. The execution is so bad and so cringy. I simply cannot. These are the flattest and most boring characters I have ever read in a yaoi. They have no personality at all. They are trying to make the uke and the seme everything and nothing at the same time. Like what. are . you. trying. to. do. The characters are completely confusing and so is the story. This has so many jumps and twists and turns. I think they tried to make the uke have like a strong personality? But like he just comes off as incredibly whiny. This manga tries to be edgy and dark but fails miserably. The immersion is extremely poor. It doesn't capture at all the psychological atmosphere or the complicated thought process of a victim of abuse or of an abuser. Instead all the characters seem to be playing edge and yaoi trope bingo. The author is trying really hard to just tick all of those edgy boxes without trying to develop or take the time to develop any of the character trait. The art is impossible to look at. There is no style, no awareness of the existence of anatomy, no atmosphere, no shot composition, not even facial expression. Everything is so stiff and bland. I have never read a worse executed psychological manga. This manga has nothing going on for it and it all just seems like a big joke to me. In fact, in some of the serious scenarios, I actually wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of this manga. This manga is unintentionally comedic and looks and sounds like a 13 year old girl's fanfiction on
