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Best psychological thiller I have ever read so far.

Jhiro January 21, 2019 7:19 am

Now this is solely my opinion. I have read alot of manga that where.... lets just say for a select audiance. Some where just as disturbing if not more so in their own right as this one. So I have a pretty high tolerance for graphic discription. Plus my husband is an actual detective so I've seen my fair share of actual cases. But nothing has ever come close to how much depth these characters have been given. This manhwa has pulled my emotions in so many directions, that I am left speechless. I could feel how deeply twisted each charaters' personalities were. How their gentic family tree tilted their desposition to a certain path that their environment reinforced. The fact the the two MCs very toxic yet co-dependent relationship play so well into their development, almost always in a negative way. At points I felt like I was in Bums position, only able to see Sangwoo as an overly fantazied hero; which clearly to the audiance he is anything but. And I could almost feel Sangwoo's mental breaks. Like flashes of my sanity eroding away. This manhwa had actual frieghtened/disgusted me so much that I would have to put it down mid way through a chapter. I had also felt alot of self hate for empathizing with their reletionship, "turning the rest of the world as the enemy mentality". Its just been... Wow. I cant wait to see how it ends.

    Kurarisa January 21, 2019 11:16 am

    Im with you on this one mate. Really appreciate reading your comment and how you view this story (although im not the author. Lol) but yaaas! This is one of the best thriller stories out there!! The author did a really great job on this one