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Rape isn’t cute

Jojo January 23, 2019 6:23 pm

I’m commenting again because something needs to be clear, this is rape. I get that there is a charm to the “hate/love” “I want you/I want you not” but that’s not it, and it’s badly written. A girl saying no isn’t her being cute or “innocent”- it’s rape. Consent is sexy all right, once you get that, then you can play on the hate/love thingy cause yeah it can be interesting. Nothing can save this story though, it’s bad.
-Edit- I don’t even get how you can dislike this comment. Please do tell me on what you are disagreeing ? Rape not being cute- or is it consent that bothers you.
So Sorry if I’m hurting your feelings but first this story is shit and there are multiple rapes in this. I get the hate/love trope, but AGAIN thats not fucking it and I’m allowed to say what I think, and this should be tagged with RAPE.

People are triggered lol, well I rather be triggered by seeing multiple rapes in a story that appears cute that be triggered by someone that says that rape isn’t cute. Have a good day people ::)

    trash January 25, 2019 11:59 pm

    wowie u must be very proud to say that. very nice touch of emojis when u want to be taken seriously xD

    okay so here are the facts that your brain cant process.

    *like i said in aaalll my previous comments, if you can even read. i don't care about the rape. this story sucks dick like a $5 hooker and your "this is just fiction" excuse is not gonna change that. it sucks that's why i don't like it. not becuse of the rape in it. but i guess it's hard to get that through your tiny brain. xD

    * if you can't take people saying no to what you like then you shouldn't even be in this reply section, snowflake. you can take your smarty pants ass and try to find some more dignity and logic because no one asked u to get involved in this argument and you're embarrassing yourself.

    *believe it or not, im one of those people that you're talking about. so if i say that the rape here is unecessary and useless for the plot i know what i'm talking about. the focus of this story is to be a smut love story. and it sucks at it. the stories that you're referring to, are stories focused on sex. those are hot but this is not. here, the author just sprinkled rape throughout the 8 chapters just so there can be sex scenes while trying to be a love story. it's softcore af and the panels aren't even sexy. it was very stale, stiff and simple. anyone who argues that this isn't trying to be shoujo deserves to be kink shamed lol. some rape hentais did a better job than this story.

    once again, the purpose of this story is to create romance between two characters through having forced sex. the purpose of the stories that real kinky people like are high quality sex that aligns with their kink. see the difference?

    and like i said for the hundredth time, you can still like it if i dont. you have the choice to not let my words affect you and seeing how you're so desperate to prove me wrong and make sure you're right, you're choosing otherwise, yes?

    trash January 26, 2019 12:08 am
    You can't see the valid points because you're ignorant darling Calling me snowflake huh? you probably don't even see your own hypocrisy "EvErYoNe'S gOt ThEiR oWn OpInIoN bUt DoN'T sHoVe YoUrS tHrOuGh SoMeOnE'... ♥~Zerxz~♥

    you see i have a principle. do not do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you. that is valid for everyone and when someone calls me names, they've given me permission to do the same to them. i value having mutual respect and a civilized discussion and if you didn't mind insulting me surely you can take the piss, yea?

    ♥~Zerxz~♥ January 26, 2019 3:20 pm
    wowie u must be very proud to say that. very nice touch of emojis when u want to be taken seriously xDokay so here are the facts that your brain cant process. *like i said in aaalll my previous comments, if you... trash

    "VeRy NiCe ToUcH oF eMoJiS wHeN yOu WaNt To bE tAkeN sErIoUslY xDDD" Lmao sorry for making you feel vunerable with the use of emojis to exaggerate an emotion, lil snowflake xDDDD

    * Yes, I realised you don't care about rape but I'm just pointing out the valid points bambi brought up in this entire reply section (which btw doesn't ONLY include you)- the ones that you requested me to do I don't care if you don't like it- i'm explaining the FACT as of why there's a difference between real life and the story- meaning your opinion is utterly pointless in the input "HaRd tO gEt ThRoUgH yOuR tInY bRaIn" IMCREASINGOMG- you try so hard to belittle someone with such invalid points. You get an F for effort and failing

    * Who said I couldn't take it lmao MAKING ASSUMPTIONS NOW ARE YA? If you don't like this manga, again, good for you But don't get angry at someone who tries to point out that some people find this sort of thing "cute" and don't view the manga negatively by solely basing their opinion on the "rape" tag. What all of you are doing towards bambi is attacking her because she has a different preference and opinion with you lot claiming "oH rApE iS bAaAd iT sHoUlDn'T bE nOrmAlIsEd" and "iF yOu dIsAgReE wItH mY oPiNiOn tHeN yOu ArE a TrOlL". You blatantly ignore her points because you want to make sure your opinion is correct- but guess what? This is a manga where a guy turns into a woman by drinking a womanising drink- how realistic you reckon everything would be?

    I have dignity and logic and I hope you don't ignore them like you did to bambi. Don't YOU have any dignity? You have no quality whatsoever of being worthy of honour and respect with all these pathetic names you throw about

    Tad bit stupid but yes I can join this argument if I want to- and you can't stop me. No one asked me to get involved just like no one asked any of you to state your opinion You only didn't want me in this because you know the validity of your argument is being attacked. Calling me "smarty pants" only makes you look like a right twat with no other valid points to give so you resort to calling me names

    * Believe it or not, I didn't ask for your opinion on the story regarding the rape. Yes the rape is irrelevant but so is your opinion. I clearly, simply and only stated that people do have a preference for rape, and there is no reason to kinkshame them. Sad you misunderstood such a simple statement.

    I have no idea what point you were trying to make on that line-could you repeat again? (surrounding the story and real life)

    How, may I ask, am I trying to make sure I'm right? Right about what? People having their own preference and we should respect that and leave it at that? Did you really assume this argument is a competition thus why you attempt to throw names about?

    ♥~Zerxz~♥ January 26, 2019 3:25 pm
    you see i have a principle. do not do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you. that is valid for everyone and when someone calls me names, they've given me permission to do the same to them. i val... trash

    So before you posted that comment calling me a snowflake, when exactly did I call you names?

    ♥~Zerxz~♥ January 26, 2019 3:31 pm
    So before you posted that comment calling me a snowflake, when exactly did I call you names? ♥~Zerxz~♥

    trash January 26, 2019 10:32 pm
    "VeRy NiCe ToUcH oF eMoJiS wHeN yOu WaNt To bE tAkeN sErIoUslY xDDD" Lmao sorry for making you feel vunerable with the use of emojis to exaggerate an emotion, lil snowflake xDDDD * Yes, I realised you don't car... ♥~Zerxz~♥

    oh were you offended by the emojis? sorry didn't know that it was such an important and sensitive subject. i won't mention it again.

    hmm what to say tho, all i got from this is;

    >that you continue to misunderstand the situation that you put yourself into.

    >that you specialize in addressing all of us as a whole if it works in your favor

    >that the opinions i had when i properly addressed- which what you wanted people to do- the so called valid points that bambi had, are all useless input in your opinion so therefore it's invalid

    >that you read with 0.69% of your brain working. i mean same but at least have some shame about it.

    >that you have no self-awareness whatsoever

    yeaaaa, well you're proving to be very narrow so i don't see the purpose of responding to you properly i'm sorry but if you still want all of my opinions and clarification about the so called valid points that you pointed out i'd gladly send them to you. and if you don't, see you around.

    trash January 26, 2019 10:40 pm
    So before you posted that comment calling me a snowflake, when exactly did I call you names? ♥~Zerxz~♥

    the snowflake was a fact so dont be insulted. you cant handle being told that something is wrong with a story that you like or with someone that you agree with. unlike when you told me that i was ignorantly hypocritical. please elaborate but i guess you cant really cause "it wasn't only for you". so i guess im sorry if you had to take all those other words when you weren't really referring to me in the first place.

    ♥~Zerxz~♥ January 27, 2019 2:57 am
    oh were you offended by the emojis? sorry didn't know that it was such an important and sensitive subject. i won't mention it again. hmm what to say tho, all i got from this is;>that you continue to misunder... trash

    "oh were you offended by the emojis?" UHHH- WHEN THE FUCK DID I SAY I WAS OFFENDED BY IT

    > What's the situation then?

    > I did address all of you. My remarks are not aimed especially for you so don't feel so special ;D Notice how I incorporate most of the comments against bambi into my replies- and no they're not solely written by you

    > You see darling, what you provided was not "properly addressing the so called valid points of bambi". The majority of your comment was simply composed of degrading remarks towards me aswell as a lack of relevant information regarding the points made by bambi (most of it was really made up by your own opinion on the story and not "properly" addressing her points) which completely flaws and invalidates your whole statement- and this is not reliant on my own opinion but completely on the content of your reply.
    Though, the lack of relevant information and great number of insults can be plausibly assumed that you have run out of points to mention, so you resort to name calling (as I already said earlier) to make you feel much more "superior" even with the lack of points :'DD

    > LMAOOO more insults :'D Keep em coming baby cuz at the end of the day, you know you ran out of points

    You're again insulting me but it's okay now because you've ran out of points so you've given up "properly" replying to me. Is your way of properly replying to someone constantly insulting them with lack of relevant information- then sure lmao. Didn't really know you actually tried "properly" in those replies Yeah no, I'd rather not discuss any valid points with you as you seem to misunderstand what it is you're actually trying to achieve in doing so.

    ♥~Zerxz~♥ January 27, 2019 3:18 am
    the snowflake was a fact so dont be insulted. you cant handle being told that something is wrong with a story that you like or with someone that you agree with. unlike when you told me that i was ignorantly hyp... trash

    The snowflake was not a fact- it was an assumption which was used as an insult towards someone who didn't support your point of view. I didn't call you names before that comment did I? Being ignorant of your own hypocrisy is a statement of which I later provided evidence with.

    Who said I couldn't handle being told that something is wrong with a story? DUDE IM ACTUALLY CREASING- WHERE'S THIS COMING FROM Can you even read? I apologise if your verbal reasoning is low but you seriously need to read replies properly. Please explain, how I can't handle being told that something is wrong with a story?

    I have no problem with what people think about the story. The story is subjective. It can be viewed as being right or wrong but when it comes to making a statement claiming that all rape is wrong (generalising a theme) and there is a person who disagrees with this statement and explains why some people may like it and the original poster (as well as other commentors) attack the person- who really is the snowflake here?

    I wasn't referring on solely you, again, I was referring to all those who attacked bambi's opinion

    trash January 27, 2019 3:21 am
    "oh were you offended by the emojis?" UHHH- WHEN THE FUCK DID I SAY I WAS OFFENDED BY IT > What's the situation then?> I did address all of you. My remarks are not aimed especially for you so don't feel s... ♥~Zerxz~♥

    well anyway, if you're curious. just tell me and i'll send it. it got too long you see.

    trash January 27, 2019 3:38 am
    The snowflake was not a fact- it was an assumption which was used as an insult towards someone who didn't support your point of view. I didn't call you names before that comment did I? Being ignorant of your ow... ♥~Zerxz~♥

    hence why i said that i was sorry and that you didn't really deserve that but im not taking it back.

    now why did i think you were only referring to me? because first of all, i was the one who initiated, twice, to ignore bambi. and finally, i was the last person to ever post a reply that happened to be about ignoring bambi. maybe be more specific next time so we both don't waste our times, yeah?

    offer still stands tho. if you're curious to see what i have to say just tell me and i'll mail it to you. it's too long to be here.

    Slurp March 23, 2020 4:02 pm
    And if you can read KILLING STALKING WITHOUT A PROBLEM, then this isn’t nothing but a topper cause last time I heard MURDER is worse than RAPE BambiiPanda

    Y ou can NOT compare murder and rape. They're both equally bad and it SHOULDN'T happen REGARDLESS.